Yes we have four branches, but it doesn’t mean that all the products displayed on our website are found in all branches.
We are located in Saida facing The Spot mall, near Halawi.
Find us on google map.
Monday-Saturday: 9 am - 6 pm
Sunday: Off
Log-in with your account or sign up with a new account if you are not registered yet
Browse through our Categories on the page or search for the product you are looking for.
Once you find your desired product, click on it then choose from the available colors if mentioned, then click add to cart, and continue shopping and adding to cart if you want more products.
Once you finish buying you can view your cart and confirm your selected products by clicking the Cart icon at the Top Right of the page.
Fill in your Contact Information page, add your contact information, your billing and shipping addresses.
Choose your payment method and click Prodeec to check out.
You will receive an order number and the total amount of your invoice on the page.
Note: You dont have to fill in with all contact information for the next purchase since they will be saved from the first purchase.
3$ All Over Lebanon
Saida / Great Saida Area: Up to 2 Working Days
Outside Great Saida Area: Up to 5 Working Days
We deliver all days of the week except Sunday.
Sorry, no you can't pickup your order from our offices since some of the items are not found in saida branch.
Yes we do, generally for a fee, which will vary based on the size and complexity of the product and location of the installation. Give us a call or mention in the notes while finishing your order that you want installation and we will get in touch with you.
Click on " i forgot my password " and we will send you password renewal instructions.
You can send us email or call us and we will help you out.